homemade remedies, cold, tea, vitamins, natural Luana Ibrahim homemade remedies, cold, tea, vitamins, natural Luana Ibrahim

The Couch Experiment Chronicles: My miracle tea

It all begins with an idea.

Let’s face it, we have all tried to fight the flu in one way or another. The strong ones (the immune system is fueled by Hulk-level strength) have conquered it, but the less strong ones (me & you) have always been defeated and succumbed to the aches, chills, and misery of this virus.

Well, I come bearing good news! I am honoured to say that after years of experimenting with every homemade remedy possible and sleeping with an onion on my night table (true story) I have come up with a unique, personal, lifetime miracle recipe to fight back a stubborn virus

To be clear, for this magic potion to work like the miracle it is, it must be consumed as soon as the symptoms appear. Let’s dive in, shall we?


  • Dates

  • 2–3 Oranges

  • 1–2 Lemons

  • 1 Lime

  • 3 garlic cloves

  • A LOT of cinnamon sticks

  • Raw honey


  1. In a pot add about 1L of water (33,814 oz).

  2. Toss the dates (whole or cut in half-your call!).

  3. Slice the oranges and add them to the pot.

  4. Slice the lemons and throw them in there too.

  5. Cut the lime into slices and let them join the party too.

  6. Add the cinnamon sticks

  7. Turn the heat on high until the water starts boiling, and the delicious aromas start wafting through the air.

  8. Then, turn the heat down to medium-low, and cover the pot (trust me, this is an important step to trap all the good stuff in).

  9. After about 12–15 minutes, you can turn the heat off and let it rest

  10. After about 15 min pour yourself a cup of this fragrant brew and stir in some raw honey to sweeten it up.

How to drink it?

  • Drink at least three times a day, preferably while it's still warm and you’ll thank me later.

Why these ingredients?

Let’s break down the science behind this magic brew:

  • Dates: Not just a sweet treat! Dates are packed with vitamins like Vitamin C, B Vitamins (1, 2, 3, and 5), and Vitamin A1—all of which are essential for strengthening your immune system and fighting infections.

  • Oranges, Lemons, and Limes: These citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, which is your best friend when trying to shorten the duration of a cold or flu.

  • Garlic: Need I say more? Garlic is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral powerhouse. It's like the superhero of flu-fighting ingredients. 💪

  • Cinnamon: Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon helps boost your immune system and works against viral and bacterial infections. It’s basically your immune system's secret weapon.

  • Raw Honey: Not just sweet—raw honey is a rich source of antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds, making it the perfect ingredient to soothe sore throats and support your immune system.

When does the magic happen?

You should drink it for at least 3 consecutive days and should feel the symptoms dying away after 2 days!!

So There you have it! My personal flu-busting tea! It has been tested, and perfected through many trials. I hope it serves you well, as it did to me! Drink up, and stay cozy my friends as it is not an easy battle but with the right weaponry we’ll make it through as winners!!

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